You are welcome to share our joy by participating in our ministries.
* Yarns to Go
This knitting and crocheting group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Articles are knitted for local nursing homes and other special projects such as the Seamen's Ministry. They also have a Mitten Tree in autumn for hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. Prayer blankets are made by Yarns to Go for congregation members who are suffering from illness, recovering from an accident or surgical procedure, or as a gift to a new or retiring pastor.
* Community Meal
Every month on the second Saturday at 12:30 PM. Volunteers gather to host a meal
in the community room at Matheson Memorial Library for community residents.
Elkhorn First UMC will be hosting the meal on May 10, 2025.
* Mission Fund
The Missions Fund is supervised by the Elkhorn First Missions Committee who decides on charities to contribute to on a quarterly basis. Donations have been given to Hope Now, United Methodist Hospitals Ministry, Association for the Prevention of Family Violence, Open Arms Clinic, and other worthy causes.
* Elkhorn Food Pantry
The Elkhorn First congregation provides volunteers and food donations for the Elkhorn Food Pantry.
The Food Pantry distributes food to persons who are in need and cannot afford to purchase food.
* School Supplies
At the beginning of each school year, the Missions Committee holds a school supply drive to collect donations
of school supplies for needy students. Supplies are taken to the school where they are combined
with donations from other organizations and distributed to needy students.
* InGathering
Elkhorn First is a collection point for the United Methodist Church-sponsored gathering of various kinds of health kits during our Annual Conference. These supplies are disbursed to disaster survivors and others through the Midwest Mission Distribution Center. We collect items for Personal Dignity kits and Home Care kits.
* Mitten Tree
The Mitten Tree program provides gloves, mittens, toys, clothes, and other gifts for needy families during the Christmas season.
Food baskets are contributed to needy families at Thanksgiving. Donations are provided in collaboration with Elkhorn area churches.
* Use of Church Building
The First United Methodist Church provides space for the Step Ahead Pre-School program.
Space is available to rent for other events.
* Support of charitable causes
Elkhorn First United Methodist Church (UMC) supports fund raising activities for charitable causes
such as the Lakeland Animal Shelter, Hope Now, Tree House, Relay for Life and Crop Walk.
You are welcome to share our joy by participating in our ministries.
* Yarns to Go
This knitting and crocheting group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Articles are knitted for local nursing homes and other special projects such as the Seamen's Ministry. They also have a Mitten Tree in autumn for hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. Prayer blankets are made by Yarns to Go for congregation members who are suffering from illness, recovering from an accident or surgical procedure, or as a gift to a new or retiring pastor.
* Community Meal
Every month on the second Saturday at 12:30 PM. Volunteers gather to host a meal
in the community room at Matheson Memorial Library for community residents.
Elkhorn First UMC will be hosting the meal on May 10, 2025.
* Mission Fund
The Missions Fund is supervised by the Elkhorn First Missions Committee who decides on charities to contribute to on a quarterly basis. Donations have been given to Hope Now, United Methodist Hospitals Ministry, Association for the Prevention of Family Violence, Open Arms Clinic, and other worthy causes.
* Elkhorn Food Pantry
The Elkhorn First congregation provides volunteers and food donations for the Elkhorn Food Pantry.
The Food Pantry distributes food to persons who are in need and cannot afford to purchase food.
* School Supplies
At the beginning of each school year, the Missions Committee holds a school supply drive to collect donations
of school supplies for needy students. Supplies are taken to the school where they are combined
with donations from other organizations and distributed to needy students.
* InGathering
Elkhorn First is a collection point for the United Methodist Church-sponsored gathering of various kinds of health kits during our Annual Conference. These supplies are disbursed to disaster survivors and others through the Midwest Mission Distribution Center. We collect items for Personal Dignity kits and Home Care kits.
* Mitten Tree
The Mitten Tree program provides gloves, mittens, toys, clothes, and other gifts for needy families during the Christmas season.
Food baskets are contributed to needy families at Thanksgiving. Donations are provided in collaboration with Elkhorn area churches.
* Use of Church Building
The First United Methodist Church provides space for the Step Ahead Pre-School program.
Space is available to rent for other events.
* Support of charitable causes
Elkhorn First United Methodist Church (UMC) supports fund raising activities for charitable causes
such as the Lakeland Animal Shelter, Hope Now, Tree House, Relay for Life and Crop Walk.